Friday 9 September 2011

Improving Cricket Games: Bowling, Fielding

After looking at batting, I would now like to discuss about the two other pillars of the game- Bowling and Fielding.
93554620060912screen020ks0Bowling is more or less quite good in most games and there is little room for improvement but still i would like to suggest some changes.

First of all, need to include more bowling actions. How can Shane Warne bowl in an action identical to that of Muttiah Muralidharan? Or, do you see any similarity in the bowling action of Zaheer Khan and Lasith Malinga? No, then why do these game studios don't understand this. I know this will not make any difference to the gameplay but will definitely make the game more visually appealing.
Now fielding. As they say, "catches win matches", and "if you miss a catch by an inch, you are miles away from victory". These two quotes really emphasize on the need for good fielding in real life cricket but in video games too fielding is equally important. Fielders like Jhonty rhodes , Collingwood , Michael Clarke, Symonds,Gibbs, Kallis, de Villiers, Yuvraj, Raina, Kohli have displayed that a good fielding side by default gains an upper hand in the game.
In most of the games by small and big studios alike fielding is automatic with at the most an option to time the catch or an option to throw the ball to the striker's end or non-striker's end. But there is more to fielding and the user's involvement should increase. There should be options to time your dive to do ground fielding. Many a times we see that a player just remains standing while the ball passes by. Involving the gamer in the fielding process will leave less time for him to get bored and in a game if you achieve this goal, the battle is already half won.

brian5_largeThere can also be options to dive near the boundary rope and relay the ball to the nearest fielder. This feature can also come handy in the event of a run out, when a fraction of delay in pick up and throw matters. All this should be governed by the "law of skills". More skilled the fielder( and the gamer, in turn), better the fielding. So, even if you fall 20-30 runs short in your batting, you can easily make the life difficult for the opposition's batsmen.
So this sums up the 3 main aspects of the game, Batting, Bowling, Fielding. In my next post I would discuss about other things, for instance graphics, player management etc. So, stay tuned!

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